Preserving cooking traditions of Bulgaria one story at a time …

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Breakfast cook

Maple Bulgur Pudding

Ingredients: 1 cup medium grain bulgur 2 cups water 2 cups milk 2 tsp salted butter 2 tbsp maple syrup 1/4 tsp salt Directions: The night before, place the bulgur in a medium saucepan with salt. Bring 1 cup water to a boil and pour over the bulgur. Cover with a lid and leave overnight. …


What is Bulgur? Is it Bulgarian?

Bulgur (from Turkish: bulgur; also burghul, from Arabic: برغل groats) is a cereal food made from the parboiled groats of several different wheat species, most often from durum wheat. To most it it considered a peasant food. In Turkey, a distinction is made between fine-ground bulgur, called köftelik bulgur, and a coarser grind, called pilavlık …