by Chef Sofia @ bulgariancooking.comAugust 11, 2017August 1, 2017 1. Snow White Salad 2. Cold White Bean Salad 3. Shopska Salad 4. Green Salad
History Salads Side Dishes4 Unique Salad Ideas for Centuries-Old Bulgarian Holiday – Baba Marta Day March 1, 2017March 3, 2017
Appetizers Beverages Breads Breakfast cook Cookbooks Grill Herbs & Spices History Main Dishes News Restaurant Salads Side Dishes SoupsCooking Traditions of Bulgaria Cookbook Sale June 11, 2022June 11, 2022
SaladsBulgarian Cooking Featured Recipe of the Month – Shopska Salad by Jenny July 14, 2017July 16, 2017